What’s your big summer idea? Just yesterday, we hit upon a picture shared by one of our recent guests Sumedha Chakraborty, of her dear ones posing by our lap pool. It prompted the thought – summer is the season our water parks get most visitors – flocks of people head out, mostly travelling from anywhere […]

Time to show some tree love It is no state secret that we are lovers of all things green – but this post isn’t to educate you about going green. That’s a feeling one gets from within and in our case, we are passionate to the level of nutty about identifying our trees and nurturing […]

Spot Our Winged Friends Hello again, folks! It’s the middle of spring! And while many of you might be keen on listening to the nightingale and the red vented bulbul, two of the more common birds found in urban areas, it is only away from the city that you will get to spot and hear […]

Hello from the rapidly heating up neighbourhood that’s Karjat! We have witnessed the mercury soar in the past fortnight – and although we claim to be a couple degrees cooler than mainland Mumbai or Pune, the heat obviously does not discount us in any way.  However, we have all the tools and strategies to beat […]