Bonsai Village – by Neelam Sagar, Tooth Mountain Nursery

Tooth Mountain Nursery –  Blog by Neelam Sagar

“BONSAI VILLAGE” – In the nursery section of TMFN 20 acre property there is a Bonsai Village – The Bonsai’s have been nurtured from last 10 years or more by Landscapists – Horticulturist  Mrs. Neelam Sagar – for whom The Art of Bonsai is a passion – Mrs. Neelam Sagar has a master’s degree in Ohara School of Ikebana –

Bonsai is a Japanese term which means “Planted in a Container” The art of Bonsai has been around for well over a thousand years – it is an ancient Chinese practice which travelled to Japan in a big way making its way into their everyday life –

The art of Bonsai creates a miniaturized but realistic representation of nature in the form of a tree – Bonsai is often mistaken for a genetically dwarfed plant – any tree can be used to be sculpted into a Bonsai –

Pinching buds, pruning and wiring branches together with fertilizers are used for converting a tree into a Bonsai – most Bonsai heights normally does not exceed four feet or about a meter  –

Trees around you, bushes, hedges, plants in nursery or wild landscape can be a starter material –

Materials from tropical climates need some protection for nature’s elements and temperature zones

Bonsai are held in such high regards in Japan that they are brought into their house for honoured guests –

The broom style Bonsai is named “Hokidachi” – there are formal Bonsai and informal upright Bonsai styles other than slanting Bonsai (shaken) cascade Bonsai (Kengai) windswept Bonsai (Fukinagashi) double trunk Bonsai, Forest Bonsai etc.,

Rocks are frequently used in the art of Bonsai –

so what are you waiting for? come and have a peep at the Bonsai village in TMFN

Or visit our website – for buying plants and bonsais online..